“Voltage” in micro hydro electric power system

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“Voltage” in micro hydro electric power system

What is voltage in micro hydro electric power system? Voltage (V) means measure of electrical potential; the electrical “pressure” that forces an electrical current to flow through a closed circuit.


Hydroelectric generators convert the mechanical (rotational) energy generated by water turbines into electrical energy. The principle of hydroelectric generator operation is quite simple: when a coil of wire is moved by a magnetic field, a voltage is induced in it. Alternating current (AC) generators are also referred to as alternators. Variable voltages are generated, which alternate above and below zero voltage. It is this process that produces AC electricity.


The choice of generating voltage is dictated by the capacity of the system and the distance that the electrical power needs to be transmitted. The longer the distance, the higher the voltage you will need in order to reduce transmission losses. An inverter converts DC voltage into standard AC supply voltage to power AC appliances. You can also use DC-powered appliances that are powered directly from the battery. Battery-based micro hydro electric power systems are available from as small as 100 W to about 1600 W.

2022-04-08T17:59:21+00:00 By |How to build, hydro generator|

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